Our Services
Birth Doula Package
Two prenatal appointments (1-2 hours each). On call time for 37-40 weeks gestation, to be present for your birth no matter when baby decides to make their arrival. Continuous support during birth (18 contracted hours, $40/hr for anything over). 1 Postpartum Visit. The option for a custom birth plan to be used when baby arrives. Partner education and training.
Postpartum Doula Services
$500 or $80/appointment
7 weeks of postpartum care, one appointment each week (1 hour long). I will be available to help with anything needed. Housework, baby care, mom and partner care. Meal prepping, small errand running. This Can also be added on as a week to week basis after receiving birth doula care.
1:1 Mommy Yoga
$40/ 40 min session
45 minute one on one yoga session to help alleviate some aches and discomforts or help relax before baby comes or after baby has arrived! (Some research shows that moms who do prenatal yoga have less fussy babies!)
Contact us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!