Welcome to Your
Doula Support Journey

A doula recognizes that birth is a sacred event and their role is to honor and protect the mothers journey, ensuring she feels safe, heard, and supported.


  • Two prenatal appointments (1-2 hours each). On call time for 37-40 weeks gestation, to be present for your birth no matter when baby decides to make their arrival. Continuous support during birth (18 contracted hours). 1 Postpartum Visit.

  • 7 weeks of postpartum care, one appointment each week. I will be available to help with anything needed. housework, baby care, mom and partner care.

  • This can be extra assistance after having me as your doula or just a separate service to help you with anything you may need help with after the arrival of your baby. these are 1 hour appointments each.

  • 45 minute one on one yoga session to help alleviate some aches and discomforts or help relax before baby comes! (Some research shows that moms who do prenatal yoga have less fussy babies!)

To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and distressingly inhabited. Soul and spirit are stretched along with body, making pregnancy a time of transition, growth and profound beginnings.
— Anne Christian Buchanan

Set up a complimentary chat

Schedule your journey with me today and embrace the warmth of personalized support tailored to you and your birth wishes. I am here to make every step of your experience comforting and unforgettable.

Who I am

Trained through International Doula Institute, being a doula was a calling! I have spent several years in healthcare working on the opposite end of the age spectrum from babies! I had a calling to change things up and instead, to work with women and help bring new life into this world! I am excited to get to know you!

Contact Me!